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Home School Agreement

Positive home/school relationships are essential to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of our students. Both have crucial roles to play in a child’s engagement and achievement in school and the impact is greater when staff, students, parents/carers work in partnership. 

At Croesyceiliog School we strive to provide enriching and engaging learning opportunities in and out of the classroom, to develop the skills, knowledge and attributes needed to lead successful lives.  We learn together to become kind citizens that respect each other and make positive choices.  Our ambition is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning.

Our core values:

  • We seek “Learning”
  • We expect “Respect”
  • We applaud “Ambition”

As a school we will aim to:

  • Provide a secure, inclusive environment where all students feel safe and valued
  • Establish a positive culture for learning through consistent use of the Croesy Ready to Learn so that all students can thrive and make progress
  • Promote high standards of behaviour and attitude to learning and strive for a sense of belonging for all students.
  • Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum through high quality teaching and learning that will endeavour to meet the needs of all students
  • Foster positive relationships based on empathy, warmth and respect; ensuring bullying/discrimination will be dealt with promptly and effectively
  • Issue regular progress information to allow parents/carers to support their child’s learning
  • Recognise sustained effort and celebrate achievement
  • Keep parents/carers informed through regular home school communication
  • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities and establish positive links with our community

As a student I will aim to:

  • Arrive to school and all lessons on time with the correct equipment
  • Wear the correct uniform
  • Abide by the Croesy to Ready to Learn expectations during lessons
  • Respect all members of the school community and the school environment
  • Demonstrate safe behaviours at all times
  • Consistently promote the school values of Learning, Respect and Ambition

As a parent/carer I will aim to:

  • Support the school’s core values of Learning, Respect and Ambition and ensure my child demonstrates the schools Ready to Learn expectations.
  • Ensure my child attends school routinely and adheres to the Cluster Attendance Policy.
  • Engage with whole school communication and systems including ClassCharts to support and encourage my child.  
  • Support the school’s policies to ensure all students feel a sense of belonging; particularly regarding relationships and behaviour, uniform, mobile phones and social media.
  • Inform the school of any changes of circumstance that may impact my child being ready to learn.
  • Engage with the school positively to ensure consistency in expectations to all aspects of learning and school life.
  • Work with the school to support my child to overcome any barriers to learning to ensure they achieve their potential and are ready to learn.

Turnpike Road, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, NP44 2YB

01633 645900