Reports and Progress Checks
Reporting to parents
At Croesyceiliog School tracking student progress and reporting to parents and carers occurs according to our assessment calendar. Parents/carers receive 2 AAAs per academic year which provide a summary of their child’s achievement, attendance and attitude to learning.
AAAs track students’ current working level (KS3) or current working grade (KS4) in each subject and compare it with their Minimum Target Level/Grade . They also show students’ expected progress by the end of the curriculum year (KS3) or by the end of the course (KS4). These are colour coded – purple (well ahead of MTL/MTG) green (ahead of MTL/MTG), amber (on track to meet MTL/MTG) and Red (not on track to meet MTL/MTG).
Coursework progress (if applicable) and Attitudes to Learning (ATL) in class work and homework are also recorded by each teacher.
In addition to the AAAs, parents/carers also receive one full report of their child’s progress per academic year. This comprises of the above AAA data, 3 targets for improvement from every subject, LNF (Literacy and Numeracy framework) targets at KS3, comments from form tutors and an overall comment form the Head of Year.
Form tutors, class teachers, Directors of Faculty and Directors of Wellbeing monitor students’ progress in order to ensure that students are challenged, if they are meeting/exceeding their minimum target grade, or supported if they are not meeting their minimum target grade. Form tutors discuss progress as recorded in each AAA in progress review meetings with students and set targets for improvement. It is also very helpful for parents/carers to discuss AAAs and full reports with their child/ren, particularly with regards to their attitude to learning in classwork and homework.
Parents/carers are also encouraged to discuss their child’s progress with class teachers at Parents’ evenings which are held annually, according to our calendar. Students have a page in their planner on which to make appointments with individual class teachers. We pride ourselves on excellent attendance at these evenings and value fostering and maintaining close links with parents/carers, in our drive to ensure that every student fulfils their potential.
Celebrating success is an important aspect of school life as we all thrive in an environment of ambition, reward and recognition of our achievement. We hold KS3 and KS4 Awards’ Afternoons in the last half term of the academic year, in which individual students are congratulated for their excellence or improvement in individual subjects.
We aim to work with our students, parents and carers to ensure that every student is given every opportunity to meet or exceed his/her minimum target grade.